Walden’s Path School Language Policy
This policy is intended to provide an overview and guiding principles for language learning at Walden’s Path School, which permeates the entire school curriculum through authentic contexts in a culturally rich and diverse environment.
Language is at the heart of learning and Walden’s Path School acknowledges that language acquisition and development is crucial for exploring and sustaining cultural identity, personal development and intercultural understanding.
What we believe
Language is developed across the whole curriculum. It encompasses the strands of listening-speaking, reading-writing and viewing-presenting. These strands are interdependent and enable the language to develop in a variety of ways. All teachers are teachers of language, and all teachers work with parents, extended families and the community to promote language learning.
Effective inquiry teaching practices come from a constructivist approach to learning, which encourages students to build from prior knowledge, moving from the known to the new. Students will use language, including their mother tongues, to construct personal meaning and understanding of complex concepts.
At Walden’s Path School we believe strongly that language is central to all learning and crucial for the development of the internationally-minded person. We aim to foster in students the ability to express themselves with clarity and confidence in at least three languages. We respect the language of our country, Hindi, and regional language, Telugu and aim for all students to be able to function linguistically in the society in which they live. We strive to address the needs of those students who are learning in a language other than their mother tongue by providing an integrated, well-implemented English as an Additional Language programme throughout the school.
Language of Instruction
The primary medium of teaching and learning is English. We celebrate linguistic diversity on the playground and we encourage the use of English as our common language of communication in our multilingual environment in order to promote social inclusivity. English is also the main language of communication within the school community.
Additional Languages
We acknowledge and respect Hindi as our national language. In addition, we aim to offer extra languages as part of the learning experience. The Library will develop sections for our main second language, Hindi, regional language, Telugu as well as smaller sections for other languages, German, French and Spanish which we intend to offer as part of the curriculum as the school grows.
Mother Tongue Development
Mother tongue is the language learned first and/or the language identified with as a native speaker, the language best known and/or the language used most. The development of mother tongue proficiencies is central to the whole development of cognitive skills in children. Well-developed mother tongue skills enhance general language skills. As language is part of one’s identity, the recognition of one’s mother tongue and the cultural traditions and customs associated with it increase a child’s self-esteem and the general sense of well-being.
We encourage all teachers to recognise students’ mother tongues and cultural traditions and customs in lessons and school life. Additionally, we encourage all students to read for 15-20 minutes each night in their mother tongue, either a fiction book or a text that relates to their subject. Finally, we encourage students to take ownership of their mother tongue language development at home and we celebrate those who regularly work hard to achieve this. Walden’s Path School facilitates parent volunteers who wish to support students whose mother tongue is not English or Telugu. Mother tongue maintenance is offered as an After School Activity and focuses upon verbal skills through conversation and storytelling. Parent volunteers are also welcome to participate in assemblies and classroom celebrations that reflect the traditions of their cultures.
Learning Support
Assessments either prior to students joining Walden’s Path School, class-based assessments or observations identify individual students’ needs. Students with different language learning needs are supported by dedicated teaching staff. Individual students may be referred to Psychological/Pedagogical/Therapist. The Therapists has a range of specialists: reading consultants, speech therapists, physiotherapists, special pedagogues and psychologists.
Language Conventions
Spelling and written communication at Walden’s Path School will use British written conventions. However, within each class, teachers and students may use the written conventions for whichever version of international English to which they are accustomed, assuming they do so consistently.
Parental Involvement
Parents are an integral part of our community of learners and their role in language learning is crucial, as they are also all language teachers from the first moments of their child’s life and even before according to the latest research.
Parents model the use of languages by listening, speaking and reading with their children. They can also further language development at home by providing access to a variety of fiction and non-fiction books, newspapers, magazines and technology in the home language as well as the languages of the school. In support of learning at school, parents can encourage their children to read and express themselves through speaking and writing.
Language Policy Review Criteria
Walden’s Path School Language Policy will be updated each year as necessary, and fully reviewed every 5 years. A review of the programme and policy shall consider:
- Evaluation of current programme through informal and formal feedback
- Possible shifts in student population
Appropriate members for the review may include:
Teachers; librarians; administrators; programme coordinators; parents; students; Language coordinators. This policy has been aligned with and is compatible with, the school’s admission and assessment policies.
* Reviewed and approved by the Walden Education Foundation Board 1 Feb 2020.